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BTGuy -“Doctors have valuable skills and education. But these days they lack chochma.”

If you think they all are stupid, you have the choice in this country not to use them.

“The variable behind the prescription of all these drugs is hugely economic.”

So what? When you go to your grocery store -does he sell you his products at cost? You’re living in some dream world! But they aren’t giving people drugs they don’t need!

“There is no way doctors are writing out the same scripts, so quickly, to such a large degree, not knowing what is going on with their colleagues and the pharmaceutical companies seeking profits.”

So they know it -so what?

“In a land where tobacco companies are allowed to sell their deadly poison, the pharmaceutical companies have free reign to put out whatever they want, charge what they want, and get away with what they want unless they settle out of court. The only reason they run tests, etc., is because they make money on those projects. TONS of money.”

One lie after another, except for they “charge what they want”.

But we aren’t living in Communist Russia -our system is capitalism.

“Are people being drugged too easily? Absolutely! Are children being thrown into the pit of this alleged ADD/ADHD too quickly? Absolutely!”

Proove it! Until you do – I’ll say Absolutely NOT!

“Hopefully no one needs such a thing, but hospitals send people home based solely on economic reasons rather than medical.”

That’s because hospitals are a business.

“Well, it is similar with doctors who are prone to find a pill for each person’s ailment; the reason is economics (profit).”

What does one have to do with another? In spite of your conspiracy theory, Docs get No ($) kickbacks from Pharm companies! The reason they prescribe drugs is because this is called practicing medicine!

After reading your comical post, I think you got the Yom Tovim mixed up. It’s Channuka, not Purim!