Reply To: The Mechalel Shabbos Troll

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The Mechalel Shabbos Troll Reply To: The Mechalel Shabbos Troll


A post at 9AM on a Friday here is 12 midnight Friday night/Shabbos morning in Australia. An hour here or there won’t make a difference. Yes, Doswin, people share ip’s, but NY and NJ are in the same general area. Your kosher internet provider may have a dhcp server with a set block of ip addresses. A dhcp server in Belgium has a different block, and one in Australia has a third block. 2 people in completely different regions of the world don’t share the same public ip. The ONLY solution is to say that 2 posters with the same style, 1 in the US and one in australia, shared the same ip somehow through spoofing or other means. So to say that maybe 2 posters from across the world happened to spoof the exact same ip and shared the same account, and therefore I can’t protest chillul shabbos, is like saying shema bemakom nekev nikeiv, and has been amply answered in Chullin dafim 10-12.