Reply To: Was there really a spitter in Beit Shemesh?

Home Forums In The News Was there really a spitter in Beit Shemesh? Reply To: Was there really a spitter in Beit Shemesh?


Knowing well the chareidi-hatred permeating the Israeli media, we know from very many past experiences that the media can manafacture lies against chareidim from cloth.

Next up: How do we know there was a girl? “She’s” really a 35 year old man with dwarfism in a disguise paid by the media to make chareidim look bad.

After that: Who says there are really people protesting at the school? It’s really a bunch of actors hired by the chareidi-hating media to make chareidim look bad.

After that: How do we know that there is even a non-chareidi school there? I think that the media set up the whole operation (including bussing in chiloni kids day after day for months, hiring actors to play teachers, parents, etc.) to make chareidim look bad.

The next step: Who says that there are even non-chareidim living in Beit Shemesh at all? The “chareidi-hating media” rented all those houses, brought in a bunch of leftist troublemakers to make it look to the world like there is a thriving non-chareidi community, and set up the conflict years ago by starting to build a school, knowing that the chareidim were going to eventually move into the area.

The next step: How do we know that there are any non-chareidim at all in Israel? Maybe all these chilonim, dati-leumi and others are brought in from neighboring countries just to cause trouble and make the peaceful chareidim of Israel look bad?

The Wolf