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adams -“But it’s not just the spitters and the cursers, it’s the whole system that decides that they are the real Jews and everyone else is a heretic. Here in Monsey, children call someone a Jew with a knitted Yarmulka a goy. So where do they learn this from? It’s a distortion and hijacking of Judaism and is totally unJewish to act this way. And if you object to the spitters, and the violent demonstations, then you are guilty of Sinas Chinam, I am told that I hate all Chareidim.”

You Do have Sinas Chinum and Hate Charedim -read your own first line -“it’s the whole system that decides that they are the real Jews and everyone else is a heretic”.

We in the Charedi world don’t determine who is Frum by their Yarmulka, in spite of some kids who like to start up with others for kicks. These kids don’t represent our philosophy. They also call fat people -“Fatso”.

This is an argument only in your mind -looking for any excuse to hate!

Our only determination is – do they keep the Torah or not? Not dressing Tzinus is against the Torah!

“All this poster Health has done is to try make sure I will never feel comfortable amongst Chareidim again.”

I never had this intention, but the truth hurts, doesn’t it?

“But it won’t work because I know many fine Chareidim, but it is time for Chareidim to stop feeling so superior to other Jews particularly those not CHassidic or outward looking Chardie.”

We (most) don’t feel superior to those that don’t dress the same as us, only to the people who don’t keep this Halacha and that (And they should know better)!

“Oh it’s only a few sure. It’s many more than a few and these have the support of many.”

Here you go again with your Outright Hatred and Bias!

“Yes I am also very embarrassed by the publicity and worse I fear the repucussions in Shomayim to these violent Chareidi acts.”

Why do you care about the Goyishe publicity? Because it’s a Chillul Hashem? It’s also a Chillul Hashem to be Mechallel Shabbos in Public. It’s also a Chillul Hashem to walk around Not dressed Tzinusdik in Public. Does these actions even bother you? And you should fear the repercussions on these actions in Shomayim -more than you fear the repercussions of a few spitters!