Reply To: What is the hashkafa at Rabbi Chate's Yeshiva?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What is the hashkafa at Rabbi Chate's Yeshiva? Reply To: What is the hashkafa at Rabbi Chate's Yeshiva?


The more I think about this the more incensed I become. In the wake of these postings I have checked out this yeshiva and its talmidim and they are nothing less than respectable bnei Torah in a respectable makom Torah. See for yourselves. Check out their website and listen to a Gemorah shiur from any of their magidei shiur. Can anyone tell me that these shiurim are not of the highest caliber and the type that could be heard in any top-notch yeshiva that enjoys name-recognition? As for the “hashkafa”, listen to the hashkafa shiurim. Are any of things said in those shiurim not things that are firmly rooted in legitimate mekoros? If you are still not satisfied, do what I did and visit the yeshiva and see how fine the boys/young men are who learn there. See their midos and their commitment to Torah and mitzvos. If you are looking for a sea of black hats you may be disappointed to also see grey hats, blue hats and even some no hats. If you are looking for erliche bnei Torah who can rival those in any other yeshiva, however, you will be very pleased.