Reply To: Girl Zone

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I was a staff member at girl zone in the past. Personally i had an amazing experience, i gained in my yidishkiet in every way and did change, but for the better, i learnt about strengths and talents i never knew i had. Yet, kiruv is not for every person, just like any other profession or situation. People need to be honest with themselves and know what they can handle. The environment in Girl zone is built to inspire rather then to drag staff down. There are amazing married staff, Rabbanim and inspirational older girls there who are there to keep everyone strong and who are truly there for the staff. If someone is easily influenced or doesn’t have a strong connection to Torah before hand, and they are looking for secular culture, so yes, girl zone would not be a good place for them. That is why the camp is very careful who they accept as staff. Like any camp, that process is never perfect, and there are sometimes a few staff there who are not ideal, and may possibly be a bad influence, but this is true in every camp and school and someone who is mature will know how to chose the right friends. But everyone has to know themselves and what they can handle. In addition if someone has been extremely sheltered in their past and would find it very shocking to be around secular girls and see there life style, they as well should chose a different summer option. But for those who feel they have what to give and who are not week in their yidishkiet girl zone is an amazing experience that will inspire you and build you up as a person, but for your sake and for the campers as well, please do not come if you feel it will do you harm, for in truth that is the opposite of what oorah is out to accomplish.