Reply To: Sem Girls Brainwashing Married Women working

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Sem Girls Brainwashing Married Women working Reply To: Sem Girls Brainwashing Married Women working


I actually think that to solve this problem they should have minimum 2 years seminary. 1 year is really not enough for the girls that change in seminary because they need more time to grow into their new self and get comfortable with being this new changed person. The whole problem of falling back to earth only occurs because the seminary year is too short and the girls dont have enough time to “make a kinyan” on what they learned and to truly become one with their new hashkafos.

(Im not saying Im the biggest fan of sending girls to expensive Israeli seminaries but that is a diff shmooze. My point is that whether in Israel or even in America it should be a 2 year program)