Reply To: Do you think I could escape to a Mexican Beach?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Do you think I could escape to a Mexican Beach? Reply To: Do you think I could escape to a Mexican Beach?


Hey arwsf.

There are Jewish communities in Mexico, and they are observant, so it may not be so difficult.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to escape into Mexico, since they keep their borders carefully guarded on the north and south side.

While those empty beaches may seem appealing, there is a reason they are empty. Montezuma’s Revenge!

I am sure if you went to a travel agency, you and your husband can find a nice, secluded place with a frum community nearby. Sounds like a good idea. A nice place like that does for the spirit what a clean install does for a computer. Just reading about that is enough to give someone their second wind.

Enjoy and have a Great Shabbos!!

: D