Reply To: Does Neturei Karta have a point?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Does Neturei Karta have a point? Reply To: Does Neturei Karta have a point?


BTGuy, I’ve never met any, personally, and their methods, as portrayed in the media, are obviously not halachicly appropriate (unless they consider it pikuach nefesh to do so?), and what you propose that there’s an ulterior agenda does seem possible.

But their point that Zionism has wrongly decided to append itself to Judaism and that the two are fundamentally not compatible with each other (but, whatever your thoughts are on the pros and cons of Zionism, Zionism is certainly not part of the Jewish faith, and (both the Jews and) the goyim should know that) is still valid even if their methods for conveying that aren’t.