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Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Does Neturei Karta have a point? Reply To: Does Neturei Karta have a point?

Avi K


1. The Medina through its various organs, including the IDF, supports Tora instituions and learners. It even supports those who are not exactly learning full-time. If not for this they would have to (gasp) work for a living.

2. Many of that Jewish money came from Jews whp had been stripped of their Judaism by the temptations of the goldene medina and felt guilty about it.

3. Do you really think that the UN would support Tora? Anyway, the Jordanians occupied Yehuda veShomron and Yerushalayim in nay case and would still be in control. Don’t forget, the Arabs rejected the partition plan that included internationization. The Kotel would be inaccessible and Jews would not be allowed to set foot in the Old City.

4. See “Kol HaTor” of Rabbi Hillel Shklover that there are actually two mashiachs, Mashiach ben Yosef, whose job is kibbutz galuyot and building the material aspect of Eretz Yisrael (Rav Kook held that he is the Zionist movement in general, and Herzl in particular. See “Hesped B’Yerushalim in “Maamarei HaRaya”), and Mashiach ben David, whose job is building the spiritual aspect culminating in the Bet HaMikdash.He aslso says that according to the Gra in the time of ikveta d’Mashicha the Chet HaMeraglim will infect many in the Tora world.

5. See Yerushalmi Berachot 1:1 that the Geula comes slowly in stages. See also Rabbi Elazar Azkari’s commentary, Perush Baal Sefer Charedim, that “they did not want to mention the sorrow, the blackness of balck, because they only wanted to mention the lights which gradually increase”.

6. If you believe that the Zionists “hijacked the course of our history” then you are a kofer ba’ijar as you obviously do not believe that Hashem runs the world (see Mishlei 21:1 that Hashem controls the heart of a king (there is also a well-known maxim that He controls the hearts of kings and ministers but I could not find the source.

7. Learn Hilchot Melachim of Rambam as well as commentators on the mitzva of apopointing a king and judges such as Abarbanel, Rav Hirsch and the Netziv as well as various places in Halacha as well as Aggada and Midrashim (for good advice not halachot) and you will see how to run a state according to halacha.