Reply To: Does Neturei Karta have a point?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Does Neturei Karta have a point? Reply To: Does Neturei Karta have a point?


pushtayid:- please awaken to reality. Do you remember WW2? when we Jews had no-where to escape to. As my saintly Rosh Yeshiva ZTKLLH’H who was very right winged taught me, B’H we have a Medinas Yisropel for which we are Mechuyov to be Makir Tov, since now all Jews, be they Ethiapion, Russian, or any other far flung corner of the earth, they now B’H have a haven to escape to, thanks to our Beloved Medinat Yisroel.

We don’t even begin to comprehend what a Berocho, Medinas Yisroel is to the Jewish people. Needless to say, like many other Tinokos hseNishboru [such as I see at my work place every day] they need to repent & become more religious {B’H for proportional Representation in the Knesset, so that religious parties are of consequence in Israel}, but this in no way justifies the sickos of Naturei Karta nor Satmar to ever lament our glorious Medinas Yisroel. I am a Makir Tov!!