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If anyone is an honest observer (not sure how many read this forum) you will notice that whenever the Jewish songs that were taken from non Jewish songs are played (talking about recent songs taken from a certain low life immoral woman in the non Jewish music business) there’s a certain very prust and very wild energy that takes over the dancing. Im not making this up you can see and sense a certain coarseness and prikas ol when the songs are played and the people dance. People act differently by these songs. Watch for it and you will see what I mean.

I don’t have to ask a shaila because for me its apparent that there is something wrong with this music and it doesn’t bring out anything good in people.

I can’t speak about slow songs because maybe some of them have some depth, but their fast songs have no place by us and I don’t believe they brought anyone closer to Hashem. These songs are produced to make you dance wild and be crazy they were never intended for Jewish people we have a different purpose in life and we listen to music for a different reason and we dance for a different reason.

In my opinion it is very wrong to take these songs and make them “Jewish” and the singers who do it are doing something wrong. However they won’t stop because they don’t respect Gedolim and they do their own thing. The music business is not run al pi Torah. Hence groups that perform on TV and goyish songs on cd’s and music videos with girls in them and mixed seating concerts and whatever else that goes on in the music business.