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147:clearly 72 minutes is way longer than the time it takes to get dark & have 3 stars emerge, therefore some fabricated Chumro cannot override any Chiyuv

Maran lived in E”Y and he paskened midina in siman 261 like rabbenu tam. Is he considered to you “a fabricator of chumros”?

Mik5:Am I yotzei with the shul’s Havdalah in this situation?

I’ve been to R’ Ovadia’s shul, who paskens like rabbenu tam, and he himself makes the havdala after 60 minutes (I think someone else drinks though). However it is mentioned in M”B to not be yotzei havdala in shul, in order to be able to get out of problems in being motzi the women. For example a woman cannot bless “borei meorei ha’esh” so in order to get out of problems of bracha lebatala it is better to not be yotzei in shul. Or you can be yotzei and let her make all the brachas besides for borei meorei haesh.

longarekel I understand that you follow the Sefardi custom and that’s fine.

Actually, many Sfardim do follow Rabbenu Tam. See chazon ovadia (I think chelek 1 page 89) where he brings down many rishonim that hold like rabbenu tam, and he paskens very strongly to hold 72. I’m actually unsure of the reasons why any Sfardi wouldn’t hold 72. The old opinion that rabbenu tam paskened only for his place is shot down by R’ Ovadia, based on the fact that Rabbenu Tam got his shitta from the machloket of tannaim living and arguing about Israel. And those who claim that it’s all based on metzius, should know that Maran saw the metzius many years and still paskened like rabbenu tam IN ISRAEL. So it shouldn’t make a difference which country you’re living in, if you hold like Maran, you should hold 72.