Reply To: I Dont Like Mitt Romney But I Guess I'll Vote For Him.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee I Dont Like Mitt Romney But I Guess I'll Vote For Him. Reply To: I Dont Like Mitt Romney But I Guess I'll Vote For Him.


1. He is a nice guy (no argument there).

2. While “Private equity” had nothing to do with the causing the current recession (his business was to buy bankrupt companies cheap, salvage what they could, and sell it for a profit), it might be better if someone more unlike Wall Street were the candidate for the Republicans (ignoring the fact that Wall Street tends to be Democratic). The only Republicans who ran this year with real world careers other than being a politicians were Herman Cain (IT professional who switched to ran restaurants) and Ron Paul (who was a physician, a long time ago).

3. Romney’s views on most issues, whether economic or social, are very mainstream Republican. He has shown a willingness to work with Democrats, which might be necessary if as president he wishes to get legislation passed by the Congress. If you read his book, there really isn’t anything for conservatives to worry about.

4. In all fairness, anti-Mormon prejudice is a real factor in the right and left wing opposition to his candidacy. While the Mormons’ theology is even nuttier than the mainstream Christians, we’re used to having leaders with ridiculous religious beliefs – in fact we’ve never had leaders we can identify with religiously. Based on their conduct, the Mormons are a lot less objectionable from a halachic perspective, than groups such as the mainline Portestants or Reform Jews.