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☕ DaasYochid ☕

jl, why on earth do they need it up front

To be blunt, shadchanim are more likely to invest time in a shidduch if they aren’t afraid of getting stiffed.

and why is the girl paying both sides shadchanus.?

I don’t think this exempts the boys’ side from shadchanus, but the extra money from the girls’ side is because of the laws of supply and demand.

and why that much?

Again, to be blunt, it’s much harder to find a shidduch for an older girl because they’re generally more choosy, so a larger incentive is needed.

Its simple really…

What’s simple? Kashe zivugam k’krias Yam Suf…

THe bigger problem, is the disconnect between the boys’ lists and girls sitting week after week without a yes. Thats the problem that needs to be solved,

Otherwise known as age gap…

not forcing 20 yr old boys to marry 24 yr old girls which is ridiculous. at best!

No that’s not the problem, although it would be a solution! However, nobody’s forcing anyone.