Reply To: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind?

Home Forums Shidduchim If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? Reply To: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind?


DY: Regarding the comment about birthday, yes it was meant as a joke. Probably the wrong place to joke. The topic, as divisive as it might be, is a serious one. My comment about ensuring shadchanim get paid, was not meant to imply they should not. Rather, the point I wanted to convey is that this particular initiative looks to be more of one to ensure shadchanim get paid than one of setting up older singles. Yes, assurances that they wont be stiffed might encourage shadchanim to work on such shidduchim, but that is not what NASI is saying, or how they are promoting this game changing plan.

PBA/Passfan. We will have to agree to disagree with how we look at the math and its causes. I will continue to do the things I do, and you continue to do the things you do and we should both be matzliach, along with NASI and all other initiatives out there, in helping those who want to get married under, the chuppah as quickly and painlessly as possible.