Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

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Why do the Yissachars always disparage the Zevuluns? After a while the Zevuluns are going to get fed up and break out of the deal. An then no one has any benefit. Its so funny though, while in yeshiva guys always were disparaging of the future “zevulun” guys yet later in life those are the same guys are honored at dinners to bring in the cash. Myself included. As soon an my alma-mater found out I had been successful, all those years of browbeating and booshah went out the window and they wanted to “honor” me at some function so I could bring in the dough. I politely declined.

On a related note, I am very curious as to what would happen if Israel would decide to give up the ghost and abolish itself like the NK would like to see happen. POOF!! no more funding for anything. The money would dry up and then where would the learning be? Its so sad that no one sees the necessity of the symbiotic relationship here and acts accordingly.