Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

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emunah613 -“Furthermore, every real soldier knows that the enemies of Jews are the 70 million non Jews who openly proclaim their intention to wipe Israel and Jews off of the globe. Their entire service is dedicated to hatzolas nefoshos-which overides ALL other mitzvos. Does anyone really believe that if Israel had no army doing its job 24/7 that we could rely solely on our zechusim to have Eretz Yisroel? Hashem needs us to have hishtadlus to protect ourselves. The Charedim are benefiting greatly from the service the army provides, and all they do is vilify the army. ( There are a few charedim who go into the army as rabbis, and are mashgichim in kitchens, and provide counseling and lead tefilla.) I think that a great idea would be if a Charedi gadol would openly and publicly write a letter thanking the Israeli government/army for ensuring that the country is safe and for being so gracious as to allow their population to learn Torah. And make hakarot hatov an agenda. It will be mekarev the secular and maybe they will begin to want to learn something about their heritage.”

You sound like a honest person -so I will give you a honest answer. I’m sure these ideas were given to you by Rabbis. But do you understand the difference between a Rabbi and a Godol?

Our Gedolim hold that it’s Ossur to have anything to do with the Medina where they are directly on top of you. Going to the Army or Nachal Charedi is part of this. If you look in the Chumash it says over and over, it’s Hashem who protects us, not an army.

While you are allowed to make Histadlus -the Torah repeatedly says if you think you are winning because of your own army strength, not only is this Not true but it is a big Aveirah to think so! The Freye Tzionim definitely think this way.

Well what about Hakoras Hatov? The Gedolim have said actually it’s not the way you think -that we owe the gov. of Israel Hakoras Hatov for protecting us and supporting learning of the Torah. The people who don’t learn Torah all the time are the ones who owe Hakoras Hatov to the ones that do. The people who are learning the Torah all the time, like in Kollel, are actually the ones who are protecting all of Israel from destruction!

I know this is a hard concept for an individual to comprehend.

But let me give you a real example that you can comprehend:

Almost daily (off & on) there has been rocket attacks on Israel, mainly in the south. I know Terrorists are retarted, but even the most retarted person can hit their targets at least half the time. Why in the world do they almost never hit anything of value, if not that Hashem doesn’t want them to? Maybe Hashem is doing this because the Jews in Israel have lots and lots of Zecusim and a good portion of these Zecusim come from the learners of the Torah all the time!