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Sam2: Ok, you I can discuss it with.
Anything pertaining to Pikuach Nefesh is Muttar in war. Those 4 things are Muttar for an army even with no Pikuach Nefesh involved, because there are some things where we like making the soldiers’ lives easier.
Unless it is ???? ??? ?????.
My first post on this issue was where he was not claiming there was a pikuach nefesh, just he invented an asei docheh lo taasei. Surely you agree that it is inapplicable. And to that I brought a good proof from the rambam, even though no proof was necessary that you cannot just do any issur while performing a mitzva.
I intended davar sh’bervah as a separate reason for it to be yehareg v’al yaavor. If lo tikrivu is d’oraisah, and kol isha is part of lo tikrivu, then it is very possible it would be a davar she’bervah and yehareg v’al yaavor, although that would be a machlokes. Shach 157:9 goes through some of the shittos.
As far as shaas shmad, I wrote the wrong thing. I didn’t mean shaas shmad, I meant that their purpose is to make us to aveiros and it is in public, in which case the din is that it is always yehareg v’al yaavor. See YD 157:1 ??? ??? ???????, ?????? ???? ???? ??????, ???? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ??????? ??????.
The purpose of this rule, is specifically to force the frum to be oiver on this issur, since the secular think the issur is made because they think we think women are inferior. That is undebatable.
But, it doesn’t really matter whether it is yehareg v’al yaavor, since nobody is threatening to kill us if we don’t go to these things. They are just threatening to put us in jail or kick us out of the army. But, we have a perfectly good way of avoiding the entire thing, by pretending to learn or running away to America where there is freedom of religion even for the hated chareidim.