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You said “The rebbe was called a giant in Torah AND midos by the LITVISHE gedolim.” While I am not doubting this fact, there was opposition to some of his ideas by others.

After the Six Day War, the Agudas Yisrael had a convention to decide its position on the matter. It was unsure of whether to support the Satmar Rebbe’s position that the victory was from the Satan (which at the time Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky supported) or whether it was a Nes from Hashem. After many Rabbonim spoke, Rav Itche Meyer Levin, the son-in-law of the Gerrer Rebbe got up to voice his opinion. He said “Not so long ago the Jewish people suffered the horrible loss of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. When we went to the gedolim for an explanation we were told that we must be silent and accept this because it was G-d’s will. Now we were just faced with another possible holocaust in the Land of Israel but the Jews were saved this time. We hear gedolim who say that these millions who were saved were saved by Satan. How is that when it comes to the death of Jews it is G-d’s work but when it comes to rescuing them from death it is Satan? It can’t be.” At that point, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky sent on a note up to be read by the podium that read “I want to publicly retract my previous statement supporting the view of the Satmar Rebbe and say that now I agree fully with what Rabbi Levin just stated.”

So while its true that many Gedolim may have supported the Satmar Rebbe, others disagreed. Another famous one is where Rav Moshe Feinstein disagrees with the Satmar Rebbe over the issue of sending Israeli soldiers into Uganda to save Jewish lives.