Reply To: allergies

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee allergies Reply To: allergies


I hope the prednisone will work because I’ve been on it countless times before and it hasn’t always come through…

I know it has side affects which is why I Kept pushing it off – I pushed taking this stuff off for like 2 weeks and then my doctor told me I reached my limit… so she put me on a low dose – 40 for 5 days but she said she doubts that will do the job so I will probably land up on another 20 for five days…

BTGuy: I tried homeopathy – I went to someone in Williamsburg and he took me off dairy which is torture because I don’t really eat anything aside from macaroni and cheese and pizza!… despite that I tried it for about 2 weeks and it did absolutely nothing! He also put me on all different vitamins and I don’t feel a difference…