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    All right folks I need help!

    I’m on all that is out there an I’m having massive issues. My nose is a faucet my chest really hurts I have MASSIVE sinus headaches and pressure I do like 5 sneezes in a row minimum… and I’m going insane – oh and I do allergy shots… anything else out there to do? I’m open to all ideas…


    You need to see your PCP tomorrow. Probably some sort of infection, not an allergy right now.

    If you know for sure that this is only an allergy -what are you allergic to & what are you on?


    I just went to my doctor yesterday for shots and she said it is all allergy…

    I’m highly highly allergic to dust mite and I suffer from it all year I’ve been having a flare up for like 4 months now and I have reached my limit tonight I’m really going insane…! I have severe allergic rhinitis and mild asthma – I’m on:

    singulair – both for my nose and for my asthma

    allegra sometimes I take a zyrtec with it

    nasonex (2 sprays)

    pataday (eyedrops)


    albuterol as needed



    Hermione -“I just went to my doctor yesterday for shots and she said it is all allergy…”

    I’d still go for a second opinion, just to make sure that something else isn’t going on right now. Your PCP is good enough for this.

    “I’m highly highly allergic to dust mite and I suffer from it all year”

    Do you use a HEPA filter? Also, no carpets or curtains. Make sure pillow is hypoallergic type. Cover all mattresses and blankets. They have special covers.

    “MASSIVE sinus headaches”

    Try the Netti pot and a 12 or 24 hr. decongestant (Sudafed). I’m assuming you’re a young person, correct? No hypertension?

    Nsaid’s for pain. (Aleve. Advil, etc.)

    “I’ve been having a flare up for like 4 months now and I have reached my limit tonight I’m really going insane…! I have severe allergic rhinitis and mild asthma – I’m on:

    singulair – both for my nose and for my asthma”

    If you feel that the Singulair isn’t helping you can try the other leukotriene blocker -Accolate.

    “allegra sometimes I take a zyrtec with it”

    Unfortunately for you, some pts. don’t always have a good response to the non-sedating antihistamines. You might need a sedating one -like Benadryl! You can try Benadryl at nite and the others during the day at first -so you won’t be sleepy during the day.

    “nasonex (2 sprays)

    pataday (eyedrops)


    albuterol as needed


    Other drugs you might want to consider -Atrovent -you can use both the nasal spray (for allergies) & the oral aerosol for the Asthma.

    For prevention – You can use Intal (aka. Nasalcrom -other brand name) both for Asthma (nebulized or aerosol) & allergies (nasal spray). Another preventive med for Asthma is Tilade.

    Let me know if this helps.

    pascha bchochma

    I’m also severely allergic and have been experiencing flare-ups. I use Benadryl when my symptoms get out of control, it really helps in knocking out the allergy and you don’t get the side effects as much when you have an active allergic reaction. Just use it alone as it is very powerful. Once it knocks out the allergy you should make sure to continue taking all your other medicines.

    So for example, tomorrow PM, take Benadryl, your inhaler, and eye drops.

    12 hours later, continue with all your regular medications.

    This has always helped me get the symptoms back under control.

    Refua Shleima~


    First, figure out the CAUSE to your allergies!

    For instance, you mentioned that you are allergic to mites and dust.

    does your bedroom have carpet?

    Is your mattress old?

    do you have mold in your house?

    I am no doc. however I did suffer from everything you mentioned.

    Same thing is with Asthma.

    Asthma is a chronic condition, however you can control it.

    you must figure out what is causing the attacks.

    (Sometimes shedding a few pounds helps to)

    B”H my allergies and asthma are fully in control.

    Every situation is unique, however in my opinion, first try to figure out what is causing the reaction.


    Thanks for all the posts guys!

    Health: I’m just curious but what else do you think it can be?

    We have HEPA filters and all our beds are covered with the dustmite covers, we have carpet in my room but my doctor said it doesnt really make that much of a difference (she is the head of the department of allergy and immunology in cornell)

    I tried the neti pot but I feel like I have water in my nose for the next couple of hours and I cant deal with it.

    I am a young person with no anxiety of any sorts or any emotional problems…

    I’ll ask my doctor about the other medicines you mentioned instead of singulair…

    I have not been sleeping and even when I fall asleep I wake up to sneeze… and cough… I’m so ridiculously exhausted from all this blowing and not sleeping… so I think I like the benadryl idea at night but is it ok for me to take it every night? I don’t want to get addicted (chas v’shalom)and also sort of immune to it if I take it to much…

    psocha bchochma: thanks for the tip I’ll try it!

    2 scents: thanks for the tips… B”H I’m no where near overweight so thats out – but I know that it’s the dustmite that is causing it and the annoying thing with that is you can’t get rid of it they are everywhere!

    I really appreciate all the feedback! and to all those allergy sufferers out there – feel better!


    as a person who has suffered from allergies for 40 + years as well as someone with multiple family members having allergies i can tell you that this winter there is a high incidence of allergy suffering. moreso than there usually is for the winter.

    i would also like to weigh in on the nettie pot idea from ”health”. a couple of years ago a dr told me to use it but i didn’t. however my son used one and found a little bit of relief from it. Yet lately there has been some bad PR linked to the nettie pots. There have been a few deaths which they way were due to either not using idstilled water or not having a clean enough nettie pot. I don’ tknow all the details but i’m sure you can google it


    my advice:

    1. for unclogging a stuffed nose etc. AFRIN is the trick. BEWARE: it cannot be used for more then 3 consecutive days. though it is usual effective before that.

    2. Sinus rinse from the mcneil company is a disgusting lifesaver. it washes out the sinuses and takes out all the dirt to relieve stuffed nose and headaches.

    3. Sauna, steam bath, and maybe some amoxcillin


    i don’t have allergies, so I cannot relate but my heart is aching when reading your post. May Hashem send you a quick & full recovery.


    do you have an air purifier?

    I will not question your doctor, however when I was a child, I did had bad allergic reactions, my doctor told my parents to get rid of the carpet in my bedroom.

    It made a huge difference.

    He also said that I should not sleep with down blankets.

    I went for about two years on weekly allergy shots. I dont know if they really help or not, however I rarely get a reaction.

    remember its the Allergen that you want to avoid.


    You should not take antibiotics without solid reasoning that you have an infection. Unnecessary taking of antibiotics produces antibiotic-resistant bacteria and won’t help your condition if it is produced by a virus or allergies.


    Hi Hermione.

    I have a few simple suggestions that helped me get out of the same problems. I hope these suggestions help you, too, Iy”H, so you can get complete comfort by helping your immune system from being overloaded.

    1. Go fragrance free/scent Free- That would include the following: all soaps, shampoos, and very importantly, laundry detergent (no bounce or fragrant fabric softeners either. Also take a break from perfumes/colognes, and go with scent free deoderant, if you use any.

    2. Munch on crunchy, moist green vegetables like peppers and celery. The chlorophyll works wonders.

    3. Also, to relieve congestion, try adding some horseradish, chili peppers, and/or hot sauce to foods.

    4. Hydrate and be sure to drink plenty of water a day, about 8 cups at least by days end.

    5. Since it is winter, make sure the house/apt furnace, etc., filters are changed often. Dust your bedroom often.

    These recommendations address lowering the burden on your own immune systems’ efforts to combat allergens so it can build itself up and stay that way, Be’H.

    Hatzlacha and Refuah Shelayma!


    Hermione -“Health: I’m just curious but what else do you think it can be?”

    If it’s of recent onset – it could be an infectious process going on.

    “We have HEPA filters and all our beds are covered with the dustmite covers, we have carpet in my room but my doctor said it doesnt really make that much of a difference (she is the head of the department of allergy and immunology in cornell)

    I tried the neti pot but I feel like I have water in my nose for the next couple of hours and I cant deal with it.

    I am a young person with no anxiety of any sorts or any emotional problems…

    I’ll ask my doctor about the other medicines you mentioned instead of singulair…”

    There are no other MedS instead of Singulair -I just said you could switch it with One other. The rest of the drugs are add-ons. Reread my post.

    “I have not been sleeping and even when I fall asleep I wake up to sneeze… and cough… I’m so ridiculously exhausted from all this blowing and not sleeping… so I think I like the benadryl idea at night but is it ok for me to take it every night? I don’t want to get addicted (chas v’shalom)and also sort of immune to it if I take it to much…”

    Don’t you take all your meds all the time? Start with 25mg of Benadryl @ nite. If need be – increase the dosage and how many times you take it.

    All other questions -I refer you to your physician.


    doctors orders..


    Hi Hermione.

    Just checking back to see if anything is helping.

    Remember, you may want to try lightening the burden on your immune system before running to quick fix over-the-counter drugs, which really serve as a band-aid and dont properly address the allergens causing your body to react as it is.

    Again, I have had, BH, success and have not had to use all those seldane, hismanal, benedryl, nose sprays, etc for a long time…If you can avoid that mess, all the better.

    Hatzlacha and feel much better!

    : D


    BTGuy: thanks for the concern! really.

    Health: I made sure to check it out and it is not any sort of infection it is pure allergy.

    I was just given prednisone so hopefully that will help and I will start to feel better soon…

    Thanks for all the help!


    Hi Hermione.

    You are welcome.

    Please feel better quickly.

    : )


    Hermione -“I was just given prednisone”

    Oh it will work, but I would not take it only if I tried everything else first. It’s a last resort medication. Did you try all the drugs I mentioned?

    Prednisone is a steroid which Has side effects. Look it up online -Rxlist -is a good place to look it up. It’s so powerful- to stop it -it has to be titered down.


    Hi Hermione,

    Health is correct about the concerns of the steroidal drugs. I will add that one cannot live off over-the-counter drugs, as well.

    Aside from the obvious concerns and warnings on the bottles of those things, I hope you will try the natural route even just to complement any current need to medication relief.

    Refuah Shelayma!!


    I hope the prednisone will work because I’ve been on it countless times before and it hasn’t always come through…

    I know it has side affects which is why I Kept pushing it off – I pushed taking this stuff off for like 2 weeks and then my doctor told me I reached my limit… so she put me on a low dose – 40 for 5 days but she said she doubts that will do the job so I will probably land up on another 20 for five days…

    BTGuy: I tried homeopathy – I went to someone in Williamsburg and he took me off dairy which is torture because I don’t really eat anything aside from macaroni and cheese and pizza!… despite that I tried it for about 2 weeks and it did absolutely nothing! He also put me on all different vitamins and I don’t feel a difference…

    golden mom

    if u r allergic to dust mitts u need to get prtecters for ur mattress box spring and pillows

    dust ruffels on the bed is not good

    any stuff animals in the house have to be thrown out

    and carpet is a killer

    just to name a few


    Hermione -“so she put me on a low dose – 40 for 5 days but she said she doubts that will do the job so I will probably land up on another 20 for five days…”

    It’s funny that you’re willing to take steroids, but not take the drugs I suggested. Is it because the “Top” doctor told you to take them? If you think she’s so great -why come here seeking for help -you’re being “helped” by her?

    Incompetence is Not only a Machla by men!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Maybe because you aren’t a doctor.

    Just saying . . .


    SL or is Always here? -Let’s say I’m not a doctor -so what? That doesn’t answer the question. She could go to s/o who will give her a script for these drugs instead of taking steroids. And you don’t need a doc to take Benadryl, it’s OTC. Or are you saying you must blindly follow your doctor and take whatever they say, even if it’s possibly dangerous, even if the pt. hasn’t tried much safer medications?

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