Another version of the Tefilla for Agunos follows. I hope that Agunos will get Chizuk from these words and that other people will be aroused to Daven on their behalf from the bottom of their heart:
May it be Your will, our beloved Father in Heaven
To bring the tragic plight of Agunos before Your Throne of Glory most favorably
May Your mercy be aroused by the unbearable suffering they undergo constantly
And remember them for salvation and mercy from the eternal high heavens
O Hashem, please draw near to them in their anguish; please deliver unto them a complete redemption
Please take them out from darkness to light, from sadness to happiness, from suffering to total relief and from hopelessness to hope
So that Your loved ones will be rescued, please deliver with Your right hand and answer me in the merit of Soroh, Rivkah, Rochel and Leah our Matriarchs
When the humble will see Your salvation, they will rejoice – those who seek Hashem, and their hearts will be revived
For You Hashem listen to the prayers and supplications of Your nation Israel with mercy