February 13, 2012 6:57 pm at 6:57 pm
Avi K
CG, Ramban says in Shaar HaGemul that after the year is up the neshamot of resha’im for wom Gehinnom is not enough are incinerated and the ashes trampled under the feet of the tzaddikim. What that (as well as the Gemara aboutr the fates of Bilaam,Yushki and Titus) means is another question. as for Levi Aron, it could very well be that he is a shotteh. Soros is probabaly a tinok shenishba. Regarding Dweck (if you a referring to the crook who was machshil rabbanim) I don’t know. When I either get by navi certificate (I still have a few tests to pass) or am hired as Hashem’s accountant (after 120 years) I will let you know, bli neder.