Reply To: ENTERTAINING VIDEOS: Neturei Karta

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel ENTERTAINING VIDEOS: Neturei Karta Reply To: ENTERTAINING VIDEOS: Neturei Karta


i dont know why there is so much hate about them.but i know that in the time of the Churban,One Jew and his followers also went to the enemy General,and he was hated for it just the same.His name was R’yochanan ben Zakai….Check the gemara in Gittin 57 which brings this Maase.What is the difference between Nk and Him ,He was also nearly killed for going to speak to the enemy…

the NK are right for going and who knows how many jews are still alive because of them..

Btw Ahmadunejad never said he hates jews his rants have only been about zionists….

the biggest jewish community in arab lands today is in IRAN!!!!Thanks to israel which got them kicked out of all others..

look up “genocide in the holy land”,but more important,”Holocaust victims accuse” by rabbi moshe shonfeld..