Reply To: Kibud Av V'Eim OR Yishuv Ha'Aretz

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Avi K

CG, virtually all of the poskim agree that there is a mitzva d’Oraita to live in EY (Rambam Hilchot Ishut 13,19-20, Rif Ketubot 110b, Rosh there 13:18, Semag Lav 81, Piskei HaRid, Ritva, and Nimukei Yosef there, Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 75:3-4 regarding compelling one’s spouse to make aliya even from a pleasant town to an unpleasant town and even from a Jewish area to a non-Jewish area, Pitchei Teshuva there seif katan 6)and is equal to all of the mitzvot (Sifi Re’eh 53).It pushes off kibud av ve’em (Shulchna Aruch Yoreh Deah 140:12) even if they told him explicitly not to make aliya (ibid Halacha 15). Of course, he can leave temporarily from time to time to visit them (Mishna Berura 531:14).