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yungerman1 –

Sure. I had to learn that anyway to understand the Rema in 108. My Rosh Chabura was mechaleik between a kirah and a tanur. As you get closer to the top of the kirah it isn’t as hot, and the pot over there is on top of the kirah. The Teshuvas Ri which the Rema refers to by the machavas in 108:1 is also talking about a machavas on top of a kirah. The mechaber in 108:2 who is matir l’chatchilah to cook two open pots together is talking about a tanur. Our ovens are tanurim.

sam4321 –

Thanks for the Mateh Yehonasan. The meforshim I referred to were the Yad Yehudah and others – maybe the Minchas Ya’akov(?).

The Kreisi Upleisi holds that we can be somech on the shitos that a berya is batel in 960. The Aruch Hashulchan says this is k’dai to be somech on b’shaas hadchak. A berya that was nisrach loses it’s chashivus even though it’s whole – this is mevu’ar in the Rema at the beginning of 103. The Pri Chadash holds that this does not apply to ????? ??????? but the Aruch Hashulchan is adamant that it does.