Reply To: Is it mutar to be an organ donor?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is it mutar to be an organ donor? Reply To: Is it mutar to be an organ donor?


Sam2 -“They are certainly not the facts in America and my argument still stands here.”

Are you kidding? There is No Pickuach Nefesh here. Most people are Goyim. Did you ever here a Din of Rov? So to say that you’re Mechuyav to donate organs here is Not reality acc. to Halacha.

And there is no Eivah since we don’t donate organs to anyone!

And btw, your ignorant of the facts in this country too. A lot of organ harvesting is done when the person still has a pulse, but just is brain dead! Just because a portion is done after death -I’m pretty sure this isn’t even most.