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Bim -Cherry -“Yes, and based on the responses posted here, it would appear that the goyim are correct, especially for today’s yeshiveshe types.”

Oh – but you seem to magically forget we don’t give organs to anyone. Some of us practice the religion of Judaism, while some of us practice the religion of assimilation. It’s Ossur to donate organs. So if this causes hatred -this isn’t called Eiva -it’s called Antisemitism. Eiva is only were we treat Yidden different than Goyim.

“The same would apply to other civic duties, i.e., Jews joining the military; serving on jury panels; giving to secular charities; voting; etc.”

I don’t know what country you live in, but here in the US of A, all these things, last I heard, were voluntary. Maybe in some people’s minds you have to do those things acc. to law, but that’s Not reality. And Jews don’t have special exemptions from Jury duty more than anyone else. If you’re called -then you go. If they get excused because of a reason/exemption -this exemption is for e/o, not just Jews!