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Didn’t read previous posts. I think your opinion is uninformed and emotionally based, not with torah values in mind. The chazah about balei tshuva omdim bimokom she’ein tzadikkim g’murim oimdim has many pshotim to explain your misconception, as it is very shver k’pshuto. In the parsha about nazir we learn that a nazir has to be yazir atzmo min hayayin because he saw a sotah bkilkulah. The miforshim all ask that it should be the opposite; a person who saw a sotah shouldn’t need a geder, and a regular person, who hasn’t had the impression made on him, should. The Brisker Rav answered in one line “Si kumpt nisht tzu der nisht zen.”, which, loosely translated, means that all the gedarim person can make after seeing something bad can’t bring him to the madreiga he could’ve been at had he never had a questionable experience.

Furthermore, the Ramchal in Derech Hashem goes through the concept of “kol hagadol mechaveiro, yitzro gadol mechaveiro”. He explains that people on a higher madreiga, in your case a person who was never exposed, have a greater yetzer hara to do the things you’re doing too, it’s just that they don’t allow themselves to fall into the situation where they’d be oiver. He brings a gemara with Abbaye (can’t remember where) who saw an am haaretz go into the forest with an unmarried woman and wasnt nichshal. Abbaye siad that he wouldnt have been able to be oimid binisayon. He explains that Abbayes yetzer hara was so great being that he was a kadosh vitahor, and he only wouldnt be nichshal because he never wouldve ended up in that situation. These people battle the yetzer hara on finer points, like wasting five minutes of seder, because the y’h knows he cant get them into a situation to be nichshal in cahamuros. But the yetzer hara is there, and theyre that much greater. So I think that people who never saw the dark side are greater if they push themselves just as hard as someone who was exposed and triumphed. Exhale.