Reply To: Tznius Again

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I’d love to meet the teen who felt the way I wrote…. a good shidduch prospect for my grandchildren. Not quite yet though.

We need to increase tzniyius in speech, dress, deal in stores, even the way we walk. Tzniyus is not about dress. dress is part of Tzniyus. Eating in the street, shouting in the street, walking in a way that does not engender respect for Judaism are all various levels of a breach of Tzniyus. The women by the pool is certainly not acceptable. Test yourself. If an adam gadol went for a swim do you think he would feel comfortable if you stood there watching him? It is a litmus test. If you knew you would meet a Rav Chashuv in the street would you be licking your cone in teh street?? Would you eat at a table in the middle of the street?? The Chashuvim are a mashal for Hashem. The beginning of Shulcha Aruch beseeches us to act as if the Shechina is opposite us. because HE is!!