Reply To: How Can A Wife Be Yotzei Matanos Levyonim

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Women are chayav in matanos l’evyonim. See OC 694:1; MB ad loc 1.

Regarding mishloach manos, see Rema OC 695:4 that a woman is chayav. But see MB cites Magen avraham that the minhag is that women don’t send and are perhaps yotzei when the husband sends on her behalf, but that we should be machmir and do so anyway. (Is the magen avraham talking about matanos l’evyonim also?)

Also note in rema there that a man should not send mishloach manos to a woman, nor a woman to a man. The reason is that a man might send to an almanah, and there might be a safek kiddushin. Interesting. (Magen avraham says it is a ch’shash of ???????, and does not apply to matanos l’evyonim which is money.)