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Ruth Alfasi

BS”D: That last comment about the name and not getting to the chuppah brings up an interesting issue – often times, when we say something, we bring it about because there are entities who whisper an amen to proclamations we say, even in passing which is why we should never say things in jest. That comment that the kabbalist said, might not have been generally true for the name he was referring to, but MADE it so, by saying it. It’s like tzaras – the declaration of tahor or tameh made it so.

Secondly, in response to AviK – we’re in Tzfat and Rav Shmuel Eliyahu is a halachic expert and what people fail to realize is so so so so SO often their questions are halachic, and they don’t NEED a mekubal. We had someone recently come to us basically expecting magic hands to be waived and proof of Ruach haKodesh. Their question – our neighbors’ kids are beating up our kids, another neighbor beat up the husband in their Sukkah, police reports have been taken, and we’re “getting an ayin hara” should we move? One “mekubal” claimed, “No, it’s not the time” with a fancy mystical gesture as he were SEEING something beyond reason. We told the couple, “Listen, if you were living in the states, and not here in Tzfat and you had all these troubles, if the financials could be worked out, would you move?” “Well, yeah, but…” So move! The were NOT impressed with the basic pshat answer. It’s nonsense and irresponsible for any rav, mekubal or otherwise, to feed their notions that doing the opposite of commonsense somehow brings you blessing and is surely mekubal-y.