Reply To: Op-Ed Lies about Storobin

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I just realized that the whole OP is in italics. Well, from where I wrote

“There is a statement in the gemara:” is all my own thoughts until the end.

Mdd: I understand that there’s an aveira to vote for Fidler, but does that automatically constitute voting for storobin as a mitzva?

I would like to point out one thing to the “live and let live” crowd. In the end of the parsha of arayos, it mentions that all the previously mentioned things are a toeiva. That makes the issue of mishkav zachar only more interesting because its the only issur in that parsha that also specifies that its toeiva in its own passuk.

Meaning, that the Torah considers it more abominable than having a relationship with your own mother or other family members.

If anyone believes that America should be built on relationships more perverted than incest relationships, they are obviously not in line with the Torah at all.