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2) Staring up at the ceiling for the third hour straight, except for the nurses coming every now and then to measure the temperature & blood pressure or drawing some blood, she hasn’t seen anybody today, the beeping sounds of all heart and pulse monitors are simply adding to the depressing dense air..

Laying in the hospital bed is very painful, sometimes depressing, and very boring, only until the volunteer ladies come marching in, with their smile, delivering a fresh warm ‘custom’ meal, tailored to each patient personally according to their abilities and allowances, wrapped in motherly soothing chizuk, and platinum words..

Yep, 100’s of busy men, mothers, grand mothers and working girls are taking off from their precious time to do “Bikur cholim” calls on a steady basis..

Not to forget about the bikur cholim rooms in the hospitals, being refilled daily with fresh kosher food, books and more, even cables to charge any cell phone.. Those meals are being cooked, baked and prepared by another fleet of volunteers.

Not to forget the numerous boarding places near most major hospitals in many states, how about the bikur cholim buses to and from the hospitals?..

hey, almost forgot, when the huge hospital bills arrive, the patient almost getting another heart attack opening the bills.. No worries, bikur cholim would chip in a nice chunk to get it of the patients frail shoulders..