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Hi longakerel.
Welcome to the club of recipients of vitriol. Just ignore comments of the like and pray the offenders work on their middos.
Everyone, at one time or another, has been, or is, a health care consumer, so your views are very important.
Additonally, if “traditional” medicine were the end all, there would not be people seeking other modes of health care, all of which can work, and some of which work better than traditional medicine.
A peronal story: I was once working out and made a movement where I could not move my neck to the left. I went to the Emergency Room and the doc gave me vicodins and something else for muscle relaxer. He said if it it not better in a few weeks, come back and he will Xray..etc.
I walked out with my head to the left and a prescription. lol. Seriously. I thought, “This is not going to do.” I tried for the first time, a chiropractor.
When I asked the emergency room doctor about a chiropractor, he literally snickered and did not answer.
Long story short (although its too late for that), the chiro ran some electric stuff on my neck and gently manipulated it back into position. I-walked-out-with-full-movement AND my stuffy nose was unclogged. Yep! He said proper alignment helps with allergies in many cases in that everything flows properly. Baruch Hashem!!
Also, as you know, for sleeping problems, it is better to go with natural products than ‘scripts. For MANY things, natural is a better response than medical/prescription.
On a final note: People with medical concerns are the best, unbiased judges of what works.