Reply To: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine

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Hi nitpicker.

I accept your apology, but cannot accept your totally incorrect assumptions based on what amounts to jibberish.

It seems like your attitude is shaping what you say so much, that you dont make any sense.

So when a chiropractor does help someone, what is he practicing if not chiropractic?

I know from my own, previously shared story, you are 110% wrong, if you dont mind me saying.

And what is the other type of nonsense they practice, that you speak of, that is not chirpractic? So, the non-chiropractic “nonsense” helps, but the chiropractic stuff does not help?

You could not be more wrong. The idea of proper alignment of the spine to maximize healthy function of the central nervous system, is scientific fact.

You dont have to post again. Wrong is wrong the second and third time, too.