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I am extremely makpid one way when it comes to gebrochts (won’t tell you which way, but I’m sure you can guess by my posts). My best friend does the opposite. Who cares?

We are a Holy Nation! Baruch Hashem this should be our biggest machlokes!

Let’s consider how many Yidden out there don’t know of Pesach or Matzoh at all. Let’s consider the Jews who are the product of Jewish moms and non-Jewish dads who are being raised as non-Jews (like my cousins). They will be in Church on Sunday for Easter (R”L).

On my other side, my relatives in Israel live on a HaShomer HaTzair Kibbutz. One said to me: “B’Pesach yesh lanu matzah v’gam lechem b’shulchan. Zeh cherut!”

Gebrochters: enjoy your dipping. Non-gebrochters: enjoy not dipping. May this Nisan bring us Geulah and let Eliyahu haNavi tell us which way is right.

Chag Kasher v’Samayach!