Reply To: Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg & Baseball

Home Forums Tzadikim Stories & Yartzheits Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg & Baseball Reply To: Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg & Baseball


Shmoel – who said he was happy about finally getting the “TUMAH” of professional sports out of his heart?? (I think you made up the “tumah” part) Maybe he was just happy to have the ‘distraction’ out, or to reach a level of Prishus and Kedusha of having a heart fully devoted to Avodas Hashem.

That’s why I think this story is not necessarily a proof that no one should ever start following sports. For some people it’s good to follow sports. It’s a raya that when you’re a gadol on R’ Scheinberg’s level, then, you should be happy to not be following sports.