Reply To: Do Online Halachic Discussions Cause Some to be Nichshal in Aveiros?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Do Online Halachic Discussions Cause Some to be Nichshal in Aveiros? Reply To: Do Online Halachic Discussions Cause Some to be Nichshal in Aveiros?


Jothar, I would like to ask you why you are participating in a venue that you are against? Why do you own a computer? Why do you have internet? Why do you post? Why do you visit such posting forums? Why here on a Jewish site and not some random anti-semitic website?

Where does your crusade begin and where does it end? If your goal is to ensure only proper information is dispensed to people and that no one is manipluated, well, you have the whole world to work on. You can patrol every Jewish community and interview every one in every Jewish community to ensure they are correct in their views. What you would have the power to do after that, is uncertain. You can call yourself the Thought Police.

I think since you prefer your crusade to be online, rather than in person, that makes you a “suspicious online person”, not so far removed from the kind of person you claim to be “protecting us from”.

And what are those similarities? You are crossing personal boundaries. The line where you end and the other person begins, does not exist. On top of that, you are repeatedly posting you have a righteous purpose (excuse) for being this way.

In all social venues people can learn good information or bad information. This site, I would say, has among the most thoughtful and sincere and “sociable” posters you will find anywhere. To be on guard, or even against every single component of this forum because there may be wrong information passed on, as you say, is a question of someone possibly having an anti-social leaning in how they handle concerns that may have merit. Don’t use a good point as an excuse to not respect the boundary line where you end and the other person begins.

Computers are incessantly known for certain personality types to have free reign where in real life they would not. I hope you are not the kind of person you are warning us about. Everyone else seems ok, but to me, you are not “blending” in a friendly way.