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Btguy, you raise some good questions.
I post here because I enjoy the thrill of posting something and having people respond. I hate myself for it, as it takes away from doing studying, but it is what it is. I didn’t make the decision to open the CR, but once it’s open, why not participate?
Everyone is free to post how they feel. There are no editors making sure everything is hashkafically correct. The question is, do people understand that when reading the site or do people think everything here represents daas torah? Someone here posted that one of the books of tanach was a historical fraud. This is not an Orthodox view, but was posted here. Do people know this when they read the site?
As for “blending” and my crusade, I am not a crusader. My vigilance goes as far as the mods allow it to go. They can ban me from the site with the click of the mouse. If you see me eliciting personal info, feel free to ban me- what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I mean nothing personal. I bear no ill will towards anybody. I understand that I will be attacked by well-meaning posters for this, and I accept this and am mochel everyone.