Reply To: How did the Israelis enjoy their 8 day Pesach?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach How did the Israelis enjoy their 8 day Pesach? Reply To: How did the Israelis enjoy their 8 day Pesach?


I would guess that the rabbonim who you asked did not want you to accidentally mix the kitniyos up and those that the Israelis asked were not worried by any such matter. As it is in Israel, the non-ochlei kitniyos folks are very careful about hasgachos and hyper-sensitive as a lot, if not most products are kasher l’fesach lochlei kitniyos. Being that they are hyper sensitive. the chances of an error being made is probably small.

But ask your own local rov. As I had said, we had way too much other food than to focus on rice or other kitniyos.