Reply To: How did the Israelis enjoy their 8 day Pesach?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach How did the Israelis enjoy their 8 day Pesach? Reply To: How did the Israelis enjoy their 8 day Pesach?


I had a shaila (theoretical) that I was discussing with some people on Acharon Shel Pesach:

What do Sefardim in EY do for washing on the Shabbos immediately following Pesach like this year? They can’t have any Challah, because they can’t buy their Chometz back yet, and they make mezonos on Matzah during the year? So do they have to eat a shiur of 8 k’zeisim of Matzah for each meal? Or is it considered b’dieved that they just make Hamoitzi on Matzah anyway?

Anyone have any first hand experience?