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Y’know, another boich svara you can come up with is that everyone MUST buy their loved ones a bar of choclate (if they like choclate) EVERY Erev Shabbos. Otherwise they are bad, since they are violating veohavto loreacho komocho and going against ” the most important tanna of the entire mishnaic era.” And no one dare say it is ever okay to not buy that choclate. Its such a good boich svara that you can even use it against any Achron who says otherwise, without needing any additional source.

In any event, this argument is about a davar pashut. The husband has always been the authority in the home. Even if he didnt put his foot down under the Chuppa. The seforim say as much without dissent. For a most recent source simply read the various seforim of Rav Avigdor Miller zt’l, who writes many times the husband is the Captain and the wife the First Mate who differs to the authority of the husband. (And the husband always takes the wifes opinion into account before making a decision.)