Reply To: Interesting yet enticing shidduch resumes, with questions…..

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Interesting yet enticing shidduch resumes, with questions….. Reply To: Interesting yet enticing shidduch resumes, with questions…..


There is a very famous story w a Gadol (I apologize, I dont remember which one) who was walking with a talmid. The Rav asked him, What Yeshiva are you in? to which he responded, Ohr Somayach… but I’m not a Baal Teshuva! The Rav replied, why not?

The story is a cute anecdote, with many mussar lessons. But the point in reference to you is that Ohr Somayach has many tracks, and there are many non-BTs that go there.

What I dont understand is why you are on an internet message board, when you can be calling his references and asking these questions to them.