Reply To: Safek if counted during the day.

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sam: Sorry, I don’t think your reasoning is halachicly sound.

I think you can see a difference between someone who is crossing the dateline, and someone who simply forgets year after year.

I think you can see that if the mishna berura says a halacha and offers to reasons, that even if one reason no longer is true that the halacha still stands.

I think you can see that if the mishna berura says that all women should not make a bracha because they will probably miss a day, that it was intended to apply even to a woman who was going to be meticulous and set up reminders to make sure she didn’t miss a day.

I don’t think what I am saying is chidushdik in any way. It is the pashut way we read halacha.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t valid minhagim where women do make a bracha. Yitayningwut says in his family the women do make a bracha. And in those families, then of course the women should make a bracha.