Reply To: going to football games

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee going to football games Reply To: going to football games


Wolf, Squeak, etc., I used bowling as a mashal because it was the one we had to deal with in shul. Other sports (in fact, the whole modern amusement industry) come with the same issues. Darchei ha-emori doesn’t relate to the game itself but to the customs that come along with it.

Oh no, you don’t. You didn’t answer my question, you deflected away from it.

I challenged your statement that adhering to the rules of bowling is a violation of the lav of “u’vchukoseihem lo teileichu.” I said nothing about the lav of “darkei HeEmori.” Please answer the challenge I raised and not the one I didn’t. To wit:

Please explain why adhering to the rules of bowling is a violation of “bechukoseihem…” but adhering to the rules of softball, soccer, basketball, etc. (as occurs in camps every summer) and chess, backgammon and other games (which occur in numerous yeshivos all over the world) is not?

The Wolf