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HaLevi, stop lecturing me in a manner as if you were my rebbe.

Now, to the matter at hand. If it were a Ran about hilchos gittin, for example, I would follow the way you described. We talk, however, about something that it is open for anybody in in the world to know (unless you are too Yeshivish), namely, that Moslems do not worship Mohamed, but HaShem only. All the bowing is no more that you getting up in front of your Rov. Rambam, who lived among them and knew them well, and who we usually pasken like over Ran, held that their religion is no avoda zora. S.A. paskens like that.

Now, to your contention that the shitta is never dismissed, reread my post about whar Reb Moshe wrote!

Also, Christianity is not avoda zora?!? So why is yehareg ve’lo’ya’avor? The reason always given is that it is avoda zora!