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mewho -“Health you are actually quite amusing. I would not hire you if I ran an ambulance company. You are way too full of yourself.”

If you ran an ambulance company -I’d never apply. Kol Hapoisel B’momo Poisel -so I guess you’re very Haughty.

“Note: That comment is not based on emotion, it is based on observation of your posts here.”

Well if your comment isn’t based on emotion -then it must be your Bad Middos. Instead of posting logic against my posts you didn’t like – you resort to putting me down.

“I never throw or have thrown anything at my husband. Then again, if he had your attitude he would not be my husband.”

Ditto -s/o like you I’d hate to be married to. Even my ex seems like an angel compared to you. I pity your husband. If you show him my posts and ask his opinion on them -he’ll say -“Yes dear -anything you say dear. You’re always right dear.”