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– agree with yichusdik. Mind reading Hashem and saying “this is what Hashem means le’tovah (I mean this be’lashon sagi nahor)” is a dangerous game. The Chofetz Chaim has an entire perek in shemiras ha’lashon on being melamed zechus on klal yisroel. This means not only looking for zechusim of klal yisroel that should defend them but it also means interpreting events in a positive light and seeing the good that can come out of a situation and then saying THAT is what Hashem means.

– There has been far less anti-semitism in the world press for the last year and a half once the threat of the Iranian nuclear program against Israel and the free world became apparent.

– The biggest existential threat to the state is not Ahmadinejad shem reshoim yirkav but is rather the anti-semitic drivel that pours unabated from the offices of the leftist journalists in Tel Aviv. People do not understand the whittling effect this has in persuading the world that the Jews are evil and dangerous people rachmono litzlon.